Written for the Glory of God by Ed Mann
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.
-Psalm 51:10
Lent is a time for us to prepare the heart, mind, and body for the celebration of Christ's resurrection. It is a time of reflection, confessing, and serving as we long for a renewed relationship with God through his sacrifice as Jesus.
We use Lent to practice dying to our earthly comforts to re-focus on our need for Christ. God can use Lent to transform our hearts, minds, and lives.
Easter gives us all the opportunity to worship Jesus more fully than we might otherwise. The miracle of his love and friendship is that he's always with us.
How you choose to observe this Easter Season is up to you. I only pray that you will open your heart to the receiving of the Love of Christ that will transform your life in service to him so that you can truly be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Lord God, during this season of Lent, please do create in me a clean heart, and put a right spirit within me for service to you.