Written for the Glory of God by Lee Adams
When the devil had finished, he departed from him until an opportune time.
-Luke 4:13
When our family camped, camp stove cooking in summer heat was a challenge. After a particularly scorching day, we dreaded the return to camp to cook our evening meal. (The budget dictated that there was no eating out!) How tempted we were to blow the budget for personal comfort. We were all whining but determined to stick to our plan--until Dennis happened to look down. There was a twenty-dollar bill! And Dennis exclaimed, "Now can we eat out?" An opportune time for temptation with an unexpected Shoney's air-conditioned outcome. It only required a look!
Focus on the three things with which Satan tempted Jesus: food when he was hungry, power if he worshiped Satan, and protection from harm if he leapt off the temple pinnacle. But Jesus remained faithful, drawing from scripture to reinforce his strength. Even though his wilderness experience had challenged him, he remained faithful.
Think about our temptations and challenges and our proximity and relationship to God that gives us the wisdom and strength to be strong even when less desirable roads tempt us.
St. James's Year of the Bible calls us to look. We can slowly absorb the scriptures and have them guide us through times of temptation, in decision, challenges, and fear. Wisdom from God's word helps us to react each day to the temptations of life with confidence. We use less "knee jerk" and more "intention."
The scripture tells us "God is our refuge and strength--a very present help in trouble." (Psalm 46:1) We have the greatest gift of all--our relationship with God through the scriptures. We only need to look at the Scriptures and make Jesus' way our way. Temptations then become less overwhelming.
Lord, thank you for providing strength to face temptation and for always being with us when the right way is difficult. Amen.