Written for the Glory of God by Tim Sergeant

When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them?
You have made them a little lower than the angels
and crowned them with glory and honor.
-Psalm 8:3-5
Receiving Gifts of Grace
When I am at my best, I eagerly anticipate receiving God’s gifts of grace. One of these gifts is to witness the moment during sunrises when the eastern sky reaches a zenith of glorious technicolor. It is during this moment that I imagine witness God kissing all of creation “Good Morning”! And, how remarkable to consider that this moment of loving connection continues in perpetuity as the world turns.
These moments that intersect in time and space are Sabbath moments when I find myself standing on holy ground. These moments require something of me; something beyond gratitude.
Before receiving these gifts of grace, before the feeding of my soul, I first wash my hands! This simple task may seem weird to others, but it seems “right” to me. And then, I sit quietly on the porch, and wait.
And while I wait, I listen not just to birds singing lauds, but also to an inner voiceless voice that comforts, exhorts, and edifies. This is a moment of “centering down,” of contemplative prayer, and of reveling in wonder and praise. This is a moment that I cherish—when I am at my best. And then, I pray that I may be at my best more and more.
Gracious God, give us a heart that hears, a heart that sees, a heart that loves like your heart so that we may always be at our best for you. It is in and through Jesus the Christ that we pray! Amen!