Sundays beginning July 21

Weekly Prayer Gathering

5:30 PM

Prayer on Sundays at 5:30 p.m. in the Chapel

In times of uncertainty, the people of God have come together to pray. There is power in all prayer, but it has always seemed that coming together to pray as the Body of Christ has its own special kind of power. Our nation and, indeed, our whole world, is facing uncertain times.

We are facing challenges that only a decade ago we would never have imagined possible. Worldwide, threats to democracy are growing. We have watched as nations have gone to war against one another. The threat of Christian Nationalism, a dangerous form of idolatry, has taken root in many churches and many hearts. Many of us are feeling anxious about what it all means to us and the future of both the nation and the Church.

If ever there was a time to be in prayer, it is now. Beginning Sunday, July 21, from 5:30 to 6:00 p.m., we will have a weekly gathering for prayer—a time to come with intention and attention before God as we seek to know God’s will and ask for God’s help. We will meet in the Chapel (across from the Sanctuary) to offer up prayer and hear God’s Word.

This will be a very informal time, and we invite you to come dressed casually and with a heart open to whatever God will do. Come ready to listen to as well as to speak to God.

For more information, please contact Pastor Joyce Day at or 252-347-3609.