Kairos Maury Prison Ministry

“… I was in prison and you visited me … just as you did it to one of the least of these … you did it to me.”

-Matthew 25:36, 40

There is an exciting ministry in eastern North Carolina that helps us fulfill Jesus’ teaching. It is the Kairos Maury Prison Ministry. This is a volunteer driven, not for profit ministry that is striving to build a church behind the walls of Maury prison. Their mission is “to share the transforming Love of Jesus Christ to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women, and youth as well as their families, to become loving and productive citizens of their communities.”

You know, a person does not have to travel to Africa, India, or any third world nation in order to do mission work; there is mission work right here in eastern North Carolina. There are a number of St. James members that would be happy to share their experiences with the Kairos Maury Prison Ministry. If God is leading you to serve him in a new way this year, please contact us at kairosmaury@gmail.com.