“There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home.”

— The Wizard of Oz

This weekend, the largest part of my family will be gathering to celebrate the wedding of my nephew. On Sunday, I will get a chance to see my mother and wish her a Happy Mother’s Day in person. I know it will be a wonderful weekend with lots of memories, lots of laughter, and lots of love. For me, family is a word filled with great joy.


For some, however, family and home are painful words. I think of a friend who longed to have children. Her first husband didn’t want to have children and that difference was the largest part of the ending of that marriage. She is remarried now, and yet, there still is something missing for her. I think of another friend who’s father was abusive. He tries to be around his father, but the pain is so palpable. There are a myriad of reasons that this celebration of home and family might not be a time of Hallmark sentimentality for some.


In Second Corinthians, we read the words: “May the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ be blessed! He is the compassionate Father and God of all comfort. He’s the one one comforts us in all our trouble so that we can comfort other people who are in every kind of trouble. We offer the same comfort that we ourselves received from God.” (2 Cor. 1:3-4 CEB) I think there is a call for all of us who have found comfort to offer comfort; for those of us who know home, to offer home. The Church can be home for all people.


Last week, several of our folks hosted a graduation party for the international students so far from home. Our Fellowship Hall was full. There was laughter, joy, and celebration. As our St. James Jammers led us in singing “When the Saints Go Marching In,” I found myself thinking “the saints are here.” Our ministry with international students and persons is offering home to those far from home; being community for those in need of community.


May we continue to be home for those in need of home, family for those in need of family, and community for all who surround us.


Pastor Tom