What is Messy Church?!

Have you tried Messy Church yet?

Are you still confused about what it is?

Are you carefully avoiding any worship service that might involve getting muddy, full of paint, or covered in glitter?

Let me try to help you!


1)  You do not have to get your hands dirty or messy to come to Messy Church.

There are opportunities to do crafts and other activities related to the scripture of the day, but you choose which activities you do. And, so far at least, no mud, paint, or glitter has been involved. You might get to build a Lego maze or create a recycled crayon piece of art, though.


2) The deeper meaning of the name “Messy Church” is actually a reminder that we don’t have to have our messy lives together before we go to church.

This worship experience welcomes us, messy lives and all. You don’t have to look a certain way or dress a certain way or have the ability to be quiet and sit still for an hour.


3) What should you expect?

Messy Church consists of three parts: activities, celebration, lunch.


Activities: Throughout the CLMC and youth room are 6-8 stations that help us explore the Scripture. We’ve built ships out of cardboard, thought about how God has helped up through our wilderness, made flags for worship, eaten cucumber ships, and made pipe cleaner and bead fish.


Celebration: Our time of celebration includes contemporary music by our praise band, Scripture, a (really) short message and an interactive prayer.


Lunch: We end our time with a time of eating and fellowship, sharing food and conversation around the table.


4) Who is it for?

Everyone! It is perfect for young disciples, children, and youth. You might also be surprised to hear that adults are now claiming Messy Church as their new favorite type of worship.


5) Tell me more about our next Messy Church:

The next Messy Church will be March 24 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the CLMC.


The theme is Holy Week.


Come to our next Messy Church to see the way God gives us a chance for new life through Jesus’ life and resurrection, as we journey from Palm Sunday, to Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and prepare for the hope of Easter Sunday. For this Messy Church, our meal will be a hamburger bar prepped by Greg MacDaid!


Our April Messy Church will be April 28 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

An RSVP is not required, but it helps us to plan the meal. Please RSVP HERE for the service on March 24.

See you at Messy Church!

Pastor Laura