Rev. Joyce Day

Pastor of Congregational Care

Joyce has served at St. James since 2005 first as Minister of Adult Discipleship and now as Pastor of Congregational and Soul Care.  In her current position, she visits church members and offers opportunities for pastoral care and spiritual direction conversations. She helps various ministry teams to provide support and encouragement to the congregation.  This includes help with meals, transportation, prayer, visiting, etc.  She is the staff liaison for caregiver and grief support groups.  She also connects with folks during some of their most challenging life situations.

She has been a Methodist all her life, including for eight years before we became United Methodists. She tells people that she is Methodist by DNA as she tends to be a very methodical person.

She is single and the mother of three cats– Sophie, Abby, and Tibby. She has a sister and brother who both live in other states, so St. James is her on-hand family. She got her education at West Virginia University (B.A. in psychology and M.A. in counseling) and at Duke University (M. Div).

Joyce enjoys reading, writing, photography, and cross-stitching.  She can be often seen at church events with a camera.  She is a big fan of Star Wars and other sci-fi and fantasy movies and books. She is also a big fan of Richard Rohr who, even though she’s never met him in person, is her favorite theologian and one of her most influential mentors as she travels this road of life with our amazing God.