TGIW Open House

Wednesday, 8/23, 5:30 p.m.

Free Meal & Fellowship

Meet Your TGIW Teachers!

Fellowship Hall

Greg MacDaid, church member and founder of the Heck Yeah You Can Cook YouTube channel, will cook up a kid- and family-friendly FREE* meal. We’ll have roasted chicken breasts, grilled sausage (hot dogs for kids), green beans, carrots, rolls, cornbread, and cookies.

Dinner is served at 5:30 p.m. (no longer at 5; we want to give you time to get here). Sign up here!

Each teacher will speak for five to ten minutes about their class. Then you can sign up for the TGIW meals and register for classes that begin on Wednesday, September 13.

Teachers for adult classes this fall include Pastor Joyce Day, Nicole Franklin, Pastor Dennis Adams, Pastor Becky Stephenson, Pastor Laura Goldenbaum-Yang, Pastor Tom Greener, Lester Zeager, Edie Snider, and Lizabeth Collins.

Plus, we will have a full array of groups and classes for kids and youth!

*Donations are appreciated and accepted.


To reserve your free meals at the TGIW Open House, call the church office at 752-6154 or click HERE.